Cafe de Paris butter recipe
This post is a long time coming. A long time. Pregnancy stopped me in my tracks in more ways than simply preventing me from posting here. My main focus was on growing a healthy baby.
A baba ganoush recipe
'Your eggplants are burning' observed Mark. I'm sure the eggplants sitting directly over the gas flame on the stove could indeed look like they were scorching. I was making baba ganoush.
Chicken in milk
I have been absent. From my computer and camera though. Not the kitchen. I've still been busy in there, creating some comforting and filling week night dinners in preparation for a half marathon.
Classic spaghetti and meatballs
Do you ever get that impulse, that you just have to make a certain dish. I do. And last week it was for classic spaghetti and meatballs. From out of nowhere came the absolute burning desire.
Marinated hanger steak
We were lucky enough to spend the weekend in the city. In a hotel. Crisp, white sheets, a king bed, blackout blinds and the ultimate lie in. No Thea to serve as our early morning alarm clock.